Here is my latest installment in the epic of Spacegirl. In this picture, we find Spacegirl and Green Lady in a rare face-to-face confrontation. Green Lady cannot bear it that the stars, the most beautiful things in the universe, are not in her possession. She is determined to collect them all for her private collection, and Spaceman and Spacegirl don't want this to happen, as they believe that the stars are for everyone. It makes me think of famous works of art that have been stolen from museums. The thieves deprive the public of the art, in many cases not for the money, but simply for the feelings of power they get from owning something so beautiful. This is the Green Lady's motivation. She wants to hoard all of this beauty for herself.
This picture shows Spacegirl, who has stolen a star back from Green Lady in order to return it to its rightful place in the heavens, fighting off Green Lady, who is attempting to stop Spacegirl. The fact that Green Lady is able to shoot lightening directly from

her hands is very much Star Wars inspired, but adapted to fit this type of art and the design of the Green Lady. The gun that Spacegirl is using inspired a bit of a debate between me and Spaceman. He said that it should look more like a gun. I said I wanted it to be unique and interesting. He said, "a gun is a gun." And therein, lies the problem. I don't like guns. I didn't grow up with hunting or anything like that, and I just don't feel comfortable with them. And I definitely am not interested in them. So, I wanted to make Spacegirl's weapon look really unreal. The other thing is that Spacegirl uses different guns and I want them to be interesting from a design perspective. Anyway, here is the picture.