
Exuses and Harry Potter

Hey all! Sorry I have been away for awhile. I have had a terrible cold and have also been super busy. I do have a new drawing that is almost finished. It has actually been almost finished for quite awhile, but I just haven't had the motivation to put the finishing touches on it. Soon though, I promise. To give you a little teaser - it is called Star Stealer. Dun, dun, dahhhhhhh!

In other news, I just finished reading Harry Potter. I won't really comment on it, because I don't want to give anything away. Suffice to say, I pretty much couldn't put it down until I finished it. And now, what is there in life to look forward too? Ah yes, movies 6 and 7 will be out someday. There is still Harry Potter stuff to look forward to! Hmmm, I hope that J.K. Rowling will start another series, but I feel that it is likely she won't. I don't know. I guess I just don't want to get my hopes up. I just really enjoy reading her books. Fantasy is perhaps my favorite genre of all time, and hers are so rich with detail. Anyway, I can always start reading from the beginning again. :)


Little Grey Donkey said...

even i'm afraid that someone is going to spoil it for me in case i get motivated to read the series some day. and since i haven't even started yet, there's that much more time for someone out there to give it away!

Anonymous said...

I finished it too, good times.