School is over for the year, and summertime has finally come! In a couple of days I will be rocketing to the distant moon of Illinois to spend the summer with Spaceman. I can't wait; I miss him so much! It is going to be so relaxing, and I will be able to finish my knitting projects, get lots of reading done, and draw of course. Speaking of drawing, I finally finished my most recent project, Sea Monster. In this picture, Spaceman and Spacegirl are fishing. Spacegirl hooks a sea monster, who doesn't respond too favorably to having a hook stuck in his tentacle. Spacegirl is so surprised by the sudden eruption of the sea monster from the water, that she jumps into Spaceman's lap, who immediately pulls out his laser gun. I posted it on etsy, but I made it a postcard size print because I thought it might sell better. We'll see...
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